If Jesus Existed For All of Eternity, Why is He Called The Son of God? -The Bob Siegel Show Ep 993

Christians believe that prior to the Second Person of the Trinity’s incarnation, this member of the Godhead nevertheless held the title “God the Son” in eternity past. Would not designations such as “Father” and “Son” suggest that there was a time the Son had not existed? Even if He pre-existed prior to the incarnation, how could it have been an eternal pre-existence? The very word “son” by definition means a being who at one time did not exist, a being with a beginning.

Bob tackles this interesting question which was submitted to him by email and then goes on to answer a related question: “When Jesus was identifying Himself as God incarnate (John 8) and the religious rulers immediately branded Him a heretic, why did God the Father not authenticate His Son’s deity right then and there?””

(Repeat program: First podcast 8-21-20)

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Updated: January 9, 2025 — 8:45 am