Dana Siegel joins Bob and reads over the air a variety of questions submitted recently from radio listeners and others.
Questions include:
-Will babies be raptured into heaven along with believing Christians?
-Will the rapture come BEFORE the Great Tribulation?
-Are there others beside Enoch and Elijah who were taken into heaven (raptured ahead of the rest of us) without experiencing physical death?
-Is Mormonism a cult?
ALSO: Bob addresses a statement submitted by email which insists that church and state is not as separated as it should be and that Christians are infringing on the rights of the unreligious.
A Note From Bob Siegel: While listening to a playback of the show, I noticed myself quickly glossing over an interesting point which I failed to clarify: The relationship between Emperor Nero, Emperor Domitian, and the number 666. Domitian, (90 AD) was considered the most evil emperor since Nero ( 64 AD ) This belief amongst the Romans is represented in the Book of Revelation with the number 666 which in Hebrew numerology spells Nero. I. E. The ultimate final anti- Christ will be SOMEONE LIKE NERO. And, as John teaches, we have already had antichrists as foreshadows of the ultimate future anti Christ.
This subject is elaborated on in significant detail on a previous show still available for download. See Episode 18. The Bible’s Command Not To Compromise.
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